Privacy Policy


  1. This archive comprises ways for collecting of terms and data about the User by Edge Games Studios.
  2. By downloading and installing, you completely acknowledge the privacy. In any case, we hold the freedoms to change our Privacy Policy whenever with practically no earlier notice to the users, and such alterations will be effective right from the date and season of issuance on our site.
  3. This Policy is a vital piece of the all the other documents that refer to it including End User License Agreements going with Applications and account holding applications/games and determining the terms of utilization of the relevant Applications.
  4. We rigorously consent to all relevant legitimate requisites.
  5. In case user is a minor at law (hereinafter referred to as underage 18 in countries including Australia and the United States, however this age might change contingent upon the area of the user) then, at that point, should get parental data, like device ID, other tenacious identifier connected to the device or PC, which might be utilized by a youngster to utilize the Service.

User's Data

  1. User's data in this Policy/Consent will be taken in such manner that its related with a certain user in the two ways i.e. given by the client and gathered consequently by Edge Games Studios. Albeit such client may not be recognizable and such data will stay unknown, totally.
  2. Edge Games Studios processes data given by the users whether by filling forms in the applicable fields, including filling for user's profile, moving toward Edge Games Studios for support or utilizing the feedback and so forth. Edge Games Studios contains the privileges to set the content of the data that is compulsory to be given by or uncovers by the user at his own will.
  3. Users may provided by the forms to fill to provide the profile information and that information contains name/nickname.
  4. Other than that the Edge Games Studios following referenced mysterious information when user install the application and utilize it: the unique identifier of the device (tenacious or non-tireless), Medium Access Control address (MAC-address), promoting/advertising identifier, model and other data about the cell phone, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), name, IP-address, browser details, timestamps and referring pages, data about communication network, area, data about the OS. We don't gather any Personal Information from you or identified with you without your endorsement, which is acquired, through your dynamic acknowledgment to the Terms and the Privacy Policy and from Consent Dialog from inside the App/Game.
  5. Besides, Edge Games Studios makes a one of a Unique ID of every User. This user's identifier is connected to the data of the profile of user.
  6. This data might distinguish an individual or might be of a private or potentially sensitive nature. Users of the Site/App/Game consequently give their IP address (or Mac Address) essentially for geo-location, upgrading the User's experience and security purposes only for validation frameworks.
  7. Edge Games Studios gathers the information on the User's interaction with a game/application and different players inside the game by means of server that Edge Games Studios own or use, Application, or game log records. Such data can be connected to the player's identifier.
  8. The legitimate premise on which Edge Games Studios depends for the utilization of User's data includes:
    1. Legitimate handling of User's data where he/she has given consent to at least one explicit purposes.
    2. Appropriate handling of User's data that is required for execution of application/games to which User is important.
    3. Legitimate handling of User's data that is necessary to make strides at User's solicitation before become agreement with Edge Games Studios contract.
    4. Legitimate handling of User's information that is essential for Edge Games Studios to follow a lawful obligations.

Primary Goals of User's Data Collection

  1. Non-Personal information is being utilized exclusively for purpose of factual and research and for customization and to enhance the user experience of our Site/App/Game.
  2. To react back users, their data is being utilized when user reach us by Emails/Facebook or to answer their surveys and review in a similar way.
  3. Individual Information including Location/IP address is being utilized to show Ads as indicated by particular area of the users. Overall terms we call this relevant commercial.
  4. We utilize the data we gather about you/your gadget to convey administrations to you and to do our business. Such use by us and by our Partners might include: User communications, giving software updates and support for our products, Delivering services, understanding and investigating patterns regarding utilization of the Apps, managing the Apps, Developing, delivering and working on our content, products and services, fitting our items and services.
  5. Showing Advertisements: Displaying third party commercials in our Apps and showing commercials for our Apps in other distributer's applications.
  6. Cross-Advancement: The meaning of Cross Advancement/Promoting our Apps and services is that we might promote one of our Apps while you are playing an alternate App of our own.
  7. Investigation and Research: understanding and examining patterns regarding the use of the Apps, collecting demographic data about our user base, information concerning where the App was downloaded from. We may likewise make reports and investigates for the reasons for examination or business insight, for instance to follow expected issues or patterns with our Apps and administrations, or to test our new game/app provisions and content. We utilize the information we get from Third Party Social Network just for inner investigation.

Services to Keep Track

  1. The following are supplier names of a portion of the third party analytics and commercial services we use. If it's not too much trouble, see the connections underneath to look further into the security strategy of our third party organizations:
    1. Admob:
    2. Firebase:

Transfer of User’s Information:

  1. Edge Games Studios might keep the freedoms to move User's information to the outsiders. Nonetheless, the users explicitly agree that we might move and store your data on servers and hardware situated in any domain, including, without constraint, Australia and the United States of America and so forth.

Concerning children:

  1. To utilization of Site/App/Games, you should be beyond thirteen years old. Consequently, we don't purposely gather Personal Information from kids younger than thirteen and doesn't wish to do as such. We claim all authority to demand verification old enough at any stage so we can confirm that minors younger than thirteen are not utilizing the App/Game/Site. In the mean time, the people under 13 are not permitted to give any sort of close to home data or any other personal information. On the off chance that Edge Games Studios becomes acquainted with any such action, it saves the privileges to erase or dispose of such data given by the user or older folks can reach us at


  1. We are focused on guaranteeing that your data is secure. To forestall any abuse, burglary, misfortune, adjustment, obliteration, unapproved access or exposure we have set up appropriate physical, electronic and administrative methods to defend and get the data we gather on the web.

The 3rd Parties:

  1. Purchases: In the event that you pay for any Edge Games Studios item with your financial card, kindly, focus while your card's number is moved through the Internet it is safely coded. We (referred to as Edge Games Studios) properly note that we don't save or store any such data of the user. It is straightforwardly moved to the organization that works with your bank. For this situation installment with a financial card on the Internet isn't not quite the same as any installment for a buy in a typical shop. In the mean time, we ensure the security of your data too.
  2. Advertisement: By utilizing our Website/Apps, you might be offered promoting content. We or the promotion/commercial networks might use advertisement serving technologies that utilization beacons, cookies, tracking pixels and different innovations that are set inside the advertisements and permit us or our organizations to gather Non-Personal Information. Non-Personal Information, for example, gender and age might be utilized to ensure that suitable commercial is presented to you. Utilization of Data and Non-Personal Information, for example, commercial identifiers might be utilized to decide the number of snaps/clicks an advertisement got, to quantify the adequacy of ad campaign, to decide the legitimate measure of rehash perspectives on a given advertisement, or potentially to convey advertisement that best identify with your inclinations. Contingent upon your device and its working framework, you might have the option to decide to forestall your device's ad identifier being utilized for interest-based advertising or reset your device's advertisement identifier by changing the settings of your device.
  3. Analytics: The Applications can utilize technologies of assortment and handling of anonymized data given by the external business administrations suppliers: Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, Unity Analytics. These external suppliers can approach the accompanying information: the identifier of your gadget, MAC-address, IMEI, IP-address, area (in light of IP-address to the precision of nation, locale, and city) which empowers them to offer their types of assistance as per their security strategies.

Links to Other Websites/Apps/Games:

  1. Our game might contain ads and connections to different sites of interest. Nonetheless, whenever you have utilized these connections to leave our webpage, you should take note of that we don't have any authority over that other site. Along these lines, we can't be answerable for the insurance and protection of any data, which you give while visiting such locales and this security proclamation doesn't oversee such destinations. You should practice alert and take a gander at the protection articulation relevant to the site being referred to.

Change of the Privacy Policy:

  1. Edge Games Studios has the privilege to change or end this Policy singularly with next to no earlier notification of the User. The User is prescribed to peruse this Policy in the current form routinely.
  2. Another form of the Policy comes into power upon its distributing except if in any case specified by this new form of the Policy.

User Information Disposal:

  1. We therefore inform our users that at whatever point we won't be required our user's associated/non-partnered data, we will erase every one of their information, wouldn't make any difference its tendency. Likewise we will ensure the deletion of the specific information of our users by all third party partners. In the mean time, user can likewise reach us if wish to dispose of its information/data. In any case, we will be required some earlier data of that user to erase that data of the users. Go ahead and reach us on beneath given email id for additional questions and erasure of your information also.

Email Us: